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Yo! I'm Keshav . I code, game, and sleep.

Currently, I am doing Bachelors in Computer Science with minor in International Business Administration at
Jacobs University Bremen.

I have done my high schooling in New Delhi, India prior to which I have lived in Bareilly, India.

I've worked at a few places too.

Jacobs University Bremen

(October, 2019 - Present)
Research Assistant - Department of Computer Science.
Web Development for Big Data visualization.
Working with a team on Rasdaman, which is the pioneer and leading Array Analytics Engine, the next generation in scalable data services.

Uptain GmbH

(June, 2019 - September, 2019)
Working Student - Web Developer
Worked on Uptain's customer website.
Wrote code in JS using ReactJS, Redux, ExpressJS, TypeScript, ImmutableJS.


(March, 2017 - May, 2017)
Learnt to implement JavaScript in web pages, and got learning experience by interacting with several esteemed people of the industry.

Few Projects that I have worked upon.

Things that I know.

  • C/C++

  • Python

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • BootStrap

  • JavaScript

  • AngularJS

  • ReactJS

  • Redux

  • NodeJS

  • MySQL

  • Testing

  • Introduction To Computer Science

  • Algorithms and Data Structures

  • Operating Systems

  • Data Bases and Web Services

  • Computer Graphics

  • Computer Architecture and Programming Languages

  • GIT

  • Final Cut Pro X

  • iMovie

I have also started a YouTube channel KKS last year by which, I try to share my exceptional knowledge on latest gadgets and technology. I would start working again with a plan this summers, and would try to bring this channel to lamelight. Initially, I thought to make videos in Hindi targeting Indian audience only, but now I have decided to take the channel international, and move it to English. Here's the Intro Video from last year!

Languages that I know.









Interested to look at my CV? Click below.

Copyright © Keshav Kumar Singh 2019